A word never goes far than it has spoken to you first then after that it will travel. Words bring life in us but more the words of God.


Mathew 28:20″ ..and lo! I am with you always even into the end of the world”

Photo of Ashubwe Jebel

What has build my confidence over the years across all seasons of life is this promise “I am with you”.

It is an unwavering assurance that is entirely because He is God. Like grace it is not subject to our ‘being good’.
The validity of the promise is that He is here, with us and in us forever.

He will never leave nor forsake me. (Deuteronomy 31:6)

This truth has been instilled into my being.
It is not just a promise but a reality that stands amidst limitations, burdens of life, lack, calamities and dangers of life.

In the valley, on the mountain, in hunger and satisfaction this promise still stands and great is His faithfulness.

And because God said it, that settled it and there is no reason to…

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