
Moving on when a relationship has turned otherwise on you and you’re left grappling to bring a consonance to events surrounding you is not a walk in the park.

Well, it’s easy to say MOVE ON!
It’s so easy to say as though one has to just take those imaginary steps and walk away, Or like a bird that has been released that will so easily fly away if unharmed. After all it is a bird and has all it requires to fly; the wings!

But In truth this thing we all call MOVING ON, will consume your energy if not drain one, takes up your time trying to calm down and getting yourself focussed, takes up on you emotionally and sometimes valuable resources.

The ability to pull through depends on one’s stamina he/she has build, hope, faith and whether they have got their lives hinged on a Divine source.

This was me some years back, a drained horse!
With so little left in me to trust again though had been on the wrong side. But once a leaf has left it’s stalk down to drop it doesn’t go back.
I got better through friend’s posts, comments in a Facebook group I was in and as I wrote to myself, until I build a crush on somewhat a tulip in the same group (I love tulips next to roses) but fruit couldn’t or hasn’t matured yet. It has been two years or so to be precise.

Thankfully new journeys espouses in such seasons, writing love notes and articles, going back to take a class, starting up something, going for therapy sessions, building a home and so much more and the result will be growing by the day. Isn’t it why it is said that ALL THINGS work together for the good of them that love the Lord and are the called according to his purpose?. I remember at a point I wrote those letters to God too, I should not repeat the same mistakes I did or so carelessly handled someone’s daughter. And at some point we meet the real deal

The ability to pull through depends on one’s stamina he/she has build, hope, faith and whether they have got their lives hinged on a Divine source.

Sometimes it is all for good!

© Ashubwe Jebel

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